A. well if you have/are a club, shop, band, organization person etc of a gothy nature}
and want web-site {with a gothic and irish association}.
or you would like the URL to be http://{shop/club/band/org/person/whatever-name}.gothic.ie you can get it though us.
{you always continue to have the option to add www.{name}.com/ie/org as an alternative/additional
name later through ourseelves, or to at anytime have us transfer control of the name to another hosting provider.}
{it will be your sitename as long as the club/shop/band/org/person/whatever exists}
or if you just want an e-mail address of {whatever}@gothic.ie you can get it though us.
A. yes we can either host the site here or point the URL to any properly configured web server.
or for other {not so properly setup} types of server we can point a DNS A/MX/CNAME record for {domain}.gothic.ie at any ip
and for the real geek controll freak we can even delagate the sub-domiain entirely to any properly configured DNS-server.
well there are at least two main ways we can deal with that
{I strongly urge people not to use MS. Outlook or Outlook Express on their pc's the potential for viral infection and unwitting spreading trough these products is too high, if however you do insist on using them please don't store my details in your address book ;) }
A. well if the site/email is for a gig,club or anyone providing a service that promotes the gothic scene
the cost is usually free,
but bribes/pints/free-passes are accepted {and traditional},
as i do have to do a certain amount of work {and part with a bit of cash} to keep it all live.
if the site/email is for personal use/vanity then price is only technically free,
as bribes in pintage/pizza/non-monetory form of barter is actually mandatory for stuff not directly benifiting the scene
A. yes i can provide dns mail and web-hosting for a price to anyone
{and cheaper to people who are involved in supporting any social scene of personal interest, and some techie buddies}
but this is more usually a request handled through my alternate personality at https://www.alandoherty.net/webhosting/
A. either use this form to drop me an e-mail and we'll talk,
or use any of the contact details {phone icq,aim,yahoo-chat,msn-chat} given on the contact page of my website, the link is below!